
Nathaz toolkit and maps

Go head to head with the forces of nature

The forces of nature can be devastating.

Natural disasters can destroy buildings, disrupt supply chains and impede your ability to do business. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do about it.

Our Natural Hazard Toolkit offers a wealth of resources to help you prepare for—and respond to—earthquakes, floods, windstorms and other severe weather. In white papers, articles, videos and checklists, our experts address the enormous threat these hazards pose to your business. Resilience is a choice and our NatHaz Toolkit can help you make the right choices.

In keeping with our commitment to property loss prevention education, the resources in our NatHaz Toolkit are available to the general public, with many more available to ·´²îæ» clients.

  • Natural hazards maps

    We've also developed interactive maps that help you understand the worldwide risks of earthquake and flood, and the regional risk posed by hail (U.S.).

    These maps incorporate the very best information from around the world to give you a comprehensive view of your exposures.

    View natural hazard maps
  • Flood

    Flood is one of the costliest natural hazards in the world, yet most flood loss is both predictable and preventable.

  • Severe weather

    Tornadoes, wildland fire, hail and freezing temperatures can have a powerful impact on your business.

  • Windstorm

    Windstorms by any name—typhoon, cyclone or hurricane—can wreak havoc on your business. Our windstorm resources help you head off disaster.

  • Earthquake

    You can’t predict exactly when an earthquake will hit or how severe it will be, but you can prepare for it.